Indian Railways

All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC)

All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) (Authority: RBE Nos. 130/2018, 157/2018) offers an optional "All India Leave Travel Concession" once in a block of four years (i.e., from 2018-2021 onwards) on surrender of Privilege Passes. The recommendations of the Seventh CPC and the Department of Personnel and Training (DoP&T) have communicated the government'sdecision to allow Railway employees to avail themselves of the AILTC facility in accordance with the "Central Civil Services (Leave Travel Concession) Rules, 1988." The Competent Authority in the Ministry of Railways has approved the exclusion of Railway servants and other eligible persons (i.e., those eligible for Privilege Passes) from the facility of Privilege Passes in the particular calendar year in which they opt for the AILTC facility. Applicable to: Railway Servants entitled to Privilege Passes. Other Government department officials serving in Railways on deputation and entitled to Privilege Passes. Other Officials serving in Railways and entitled to Privilege Passes. Officials of the Audit Department (Railway) entitled to Privilege Passes. Note: These orders would not be applicable to those who are undergoing minor penalties, such as stoppage of even a single Privilege Pass, at the time of application for availing AILTC. Railway servants who opt for the AILTC facility will be issued a "Privilege Pass Surrender Certificate" (PPSC), which is a prerequisite for availing the AILTC facility. If both husband and wife are entitled to Privilege Passes, both have to surrender their respective entitled Privilege Passes that are admissible to them in the calendar year in which either of them opts for the AILTC facility. In the case of deputationists (i.e., Railway servants serving on deputation, etc., in any other organization) who are eligible for PPs as per statutory rules, the Home Town LTC / Home Town converted LTC shall not be admissible to Railway servants, and the definitions of beneficiaries for LTC should be checked.